Thursday 30 November 2017

¨I am¨ poem

I am an excellent mountain biker

I wonder if immortality will ever happen to humans

I see birds chirping in the flourishing trees

I see people strolling past

I want an excellent life

I am an excellent mountain biker

Stanza 2
I pretend to meet mythical creatures

I feel happy when i get to ride with my dad

I touch the rough bark on the redwood tree

I worry about crashing into trees

I cry when i crash hard on the scorching ground

I am an excellent mountain biker

Stanza 3
I understand that going too fast can make you crash

I say that having fun is the most important rule

I dream of being a world famous mountain biker

I try to get better and better at mountain biking

I hope i never crash on a whole track at wood hill park

I am an excellent mountain biker

Wednesday 22 November 2017

This is a Godzillian
Godzillians group on godzilliana in Groovy gallery’s.
Godzillian’s gorge grape tasting gingerbread
Godzillian’s grip grotty gong’s while gargling granny’s
Godzillian’s green goo projectile made a gory sight
Godzillian’s green goo got in my eye’s and i died :(

By Madai